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#94 — "Our Future is Biotech"

July 26th, 2024

By Andrew Craig

Reading time: ~ 6 minutes

I’m writing today to share the happy news that my new book Our Future is Biotech is about to be published.

It is already available to pre-order on Amazon in the UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand in print, e-book and audiobook formats.

The book has been a labour of love for nearly three years and I’m really excited that it is now ready to go (to put it mildly!)…

If you enjoyed my first book, How to Own the World, or found it vaguely useful, I hope you’ll really like this one. I believe it is my best book to date. I’m ten years older (and dare I hope even a tiny bit wiser) after all... And I’ve been focused on the biotech industry for nearly a decade now.

Pre-order now on Amazon >>

What’s It All About?

Our Future is Biotech makes the case that the biotechnology and related industries will have a very significant and positive impact on all of us, in the relatively near future and for many decades to come.

In the last century, technology has transformed the human experience across the world and lifted several billion people out of poverty.
This has been super-charged in recent decades by the arrival of the internet, smart phones, AI and machine learning, and created trillion-plus dollar companies and household names like Apple, Amazon, Google and Microsoft.

Tech has also been the underlying driver of US shares having delivered an average annual return of more than 10% a year for more than a century.

Our Future is Biotech explains why biotech is next: Because our biggest remaining challenges as a species concern biological systems...

I think it is fair to say that when most people hear the word “biotech” they assume it refers to healthcare and to the development of drug therapies in the main.

That is certainly a huge focus for the industry but a key point to make about the book is that this is about a great deal more than just healthcare.
In healthcare the industry has already delivered "miracle cures" for several diseases, and there is more to come. Biotech companies will solve our most intractable problems, from cancer, dementia, obesity and diabetes to elderly care and numerous mental health conditions.

All of this, and the emerging field of longevity, also brings on to the horizon the possibility of us being able to live much longer and healthier lives, with many serious scientists believing that 70 or even 80 or 90 could soon be “the new 40” for many of us alive today.

Perhaps more important still, however, biotech can and will be able to roll back environmental degradation and help clean our rivers and oceans, revolutionise agriculture and clean power generation, and even super-charge the processing power of our computers with new “biological” computing.

I’ve been delighted by the response to the book so far from a number of leading figures in biotech, medicine and investment who were kind enough to read preview copies over the last few weeks. Supportive quotes have included:

“…an essential read for anyone committed to understanding the technologies that will define our future.”

  • Christian Angermayer, Biotech Entrepreneur and Founder of Apeiron Investment Group

“A tour-de-force and a book that I found unputdownable. Andrew has seen the way for biotech and brings a unique, insightful and typically plain-English perspective to us all. This is a must-read and highly recommended.”

  • Barry Smith, Founder of Sunday Times’ Fast Track 100 probiotics company, Symprove

“…a must-read for anyone interested in the future of human health.”

  • Jo Pisani, Chair of London MedCity’s advisory board, Birmingham’s Precision Health Technology Accelerator, and former head of PwC UK Pharma and Life Sciences

If you want to make the best of your health and mental health, and find out more about one of the best potential investment opportunities of the next few decades please do consider ordering a copy.

Perhaps even more important, the other tangible benefit that I hope you might derive from the book, by the way, is nothing less than a sunnier disposition and a material improvement in your outlook, mood and conception of the world we live in.

I'd like to think that many of the ideas laid out in the book could well just put a spring in your step.

Biotech means that we can all live better, safer, healthier, wealthier, happier, and longer lives. Tech has been the most important theme for human progress for the last century. Biotech is next.

Please do grab a copy if you’d like to find out more!

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