I write today to pass on the happy news that the third edition of my book, "How to Own the World" will be published this Thursday the 7th of March by John Murray Learning - a division of Hodder & Stoughton.
The current (second) edition of the book was published in September 2015 and I have been thrilled to have a chance to produce a new, updated version for 2019 with one of the world's biggest publishers.
The third edition has been brought up to date and includes nearly 10,000 words of entirely new content. As an example of some of the new ground covered, there is now a section on bitcoin and crypto-assets. This has been added to the chapter on asset classes generally (e.g. in addition to the sections on cash, property, shares, bonds, commodities and so on).
I also spent four whole days (mostly with "man 'flu" annoyingly) in a small, dark room croaking into a microphone in order to bring you an audiobook version for the first time, not least given how many people have asked us about the possibility of an audiobook over the years.
(I must say that I have a new-found respect for actors like Stephen Fry. Given it took me about fifteen takes every time I had to say something like 'quantitative easing' ("quan-ti-ta-tive, quan-ti-ta-tive". Grr...), I dread to think what it must have been like for him wading through a million or so words of Harry Potter and having to accurately record words like "expelliarmus" or "wingardium leviosa" however many hundred times!).
...anyway. I digress.
The point is - as you would expect - print, ebook and audiobook versions are all currently available to pre-order on Amazon.co.uk and will then be fully available from this Thursday onwards. Please do consider grabbing a copy of the new version or downloading the audiobook if you are one of the many people who have been waiting for it.
If you enjoyed a previous edition of the book, please do consider suggesting the new version to any friends you think might get something out of it - particularly as we approach ISA season.
Happy reading and even happier investing!